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Re: users and owners
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On Friday 10 May 2002 10:00 am, Giaretta Gerardo wrote:
> Hi list!
> I think users management is really well done in NorthStar.
> May be an improvement may be done considering users and owners together.
> I guess this situation: the owner POC has to update some information
> about him or about his objects. It could be possible create a user that
> has only permissions to edit this owner's objects.
> May be this is really complex in the code.... it was only an idea I had
> having fun with the tool.
> Bye,
Well, you just answered a question that's been lingering in my mind for a
while about how to implement exactly what your saying. For a while now i've
been trying to figure out how to implement some segmentation into the
permissions system so that only certain users could modify/add user certain
This would be a great way to do this since all that would really have to
happen would be linking the user to the particular owner object id and then
checking that what they are trying to view/add/edit/delete is owned by their
owner object. There could a special id that is reserved for users that have
access to perform operations on anything.
I think this can be implemented fairly easily. At the most it would probably
require an extra column in the users table that references the owner id and
may also require making the owner objects nestable so that single users can
still create owner objects that are referenced under their 'parent' owner
object. That and some twiddling with the SQL statements to add a check for
the owner object should do it.
Here's how the current permissions checking works:
1. The user call is received (ex. addnet)
2. API_PermissionsCheck is called with the user call as the parameter
a. Lookup user permissions mapping (established earlier in session setup)
b. If the user DOES have permission return 1, else return 0
3. The user call is used to lookup the function reference that was registered
when the module was init()'ed
4. The call is made
5. The function does what it needs to
Now what would need to be added would alter step 5 from above to something
like this:
5. If the function is an
a. Edit/Delete/View Function
The function immediately calls API_PermissionsCheckUser with arguments
specifying the object type (network,device,owner, etc...) and the id of the
object that is going to be editing/deleted/viewed. API_PermissionsCheckUser
then looks up the specific object and if the owner id's match returns
b. Add Function
The function immediately calls API_PermissionsCheckUser with arguments
specifying the object type, the id of the parent object, and a mode switch
to make API_PermissionsCheckUser traverse towards the root of the tree until
it finds an object that has an owner id matching the user. If there is a
match then we return successful.
6. If step 5 was successful continue, if not exit showing an error
I think this should work fairly well and won't required much new code (at
least i think). Anyone have any comments?
- --
| Hitesh Patel | Lead Developer |
| hitesh@presys.com | NorthStar |
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